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Who's Who in the relation: Accountant & clients

What can the accounting do for the your Company?

Accounting in corporate life is the most efficient way to provide more accurate information and help the business owner in managing and improving the controls of their business. With the use of accounting techniques, the entrepreneur controls his or her equity and knows the result in the period (profit or loss), allowing safer decision making based on the accounting information.

Does the small business need to do its Accounting?

The exemption from accounting bookkeeping is provided only in the legislation of the Income Tax, as far as federal taxes are concerned. Other legal provisions such as Commercial Code, Bankruptcy Law, Social Security Law, among others, continue to require companies to keep their accounts. The accounting bookkeeping complies with the legislation and standards established by the Brazilian Accounting Standards.

What are the responsibilities of the Accountant?

The accounting officer is responsible for the veracity of the accounting and financial information of the company, for the legal obligations and those assumed by contract. The legal nature of liability may be contractual and non-contractual. The first applies to the liberal professional, where the obligations are part of the clauses of a contract; The second applies to the professional that violates the legal duty, provided for by the norms of the Federal Accounting Council. If the accountant practices fraudulent acts (with intent or that assumes the risk of causing harm to the company or to third parties), he will be jointly and severally liable with the businessman, that is, the accountant and the businessman will be liable for damages caused to third parties. See more in the New Civil Code (Art. 1,177, sole paragraph of Law 10,406 / 02), in the Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo – CRCSP – (www.crcsp.org.br) and in the booklet of Sebrae-SP “The Small Business and the New Civil Code”.

What are your duties and responsibilities?

The Accountant being a service provider and having duly negotiated his / her Professional Fees with the Client, the Client shall be remunerated for his / her services, and the client shall bear this commitment as defined. Normally, Accountants suspend the execution of the Services after a Period of 03 (three) or higher of default, after verbal communications and written by the Accountant. The client shall also provide all the data and information necessary for the execution of the Services by the Accountant and it may request such data in a timely manner. The Client must be informed of his obligations to the Government agencies and to his Accountant, so that he can not claim in the future “not knowing” or “not being informed”.

What information can accounting provide for the analysis and financial planning of the company?

The accounting generates the following information: statement of results of the company, cash flow, balance sheet, among others. Through these instruments, an analysis of the company’s financial position and an adequate financial planning is carried out.

What does the entrepreneur need to know about labor issues?

It is necessary to seek to know the labor laws, so it is easier to manage your business knowing your rights and employees, such as: labor routines; Labor obligations (salary and social charges); How admissions and dismissals should be made and the remuneration to be paid; Details on vacation and 13th salary; Hygiene and safety at work; In short, all measures to act in accordance with the laws in force. Doubts can be discussed with your accountant.

What do I need to do to keep the company current in tax / tax legislation?

The entrepreneur needs to be aware of the details and tax information that surround his activities, especially today that the legislation is very dynamic. The correct understanding and application of the obligations with the tax authorities avoids the day-to-day implications of the companies. Effective assistance from a qualified professional in the accounting, labor, social security and tax areas can make a difference between the success and failure of any business.

What do I need to know to get careful tax and tax planning?

One of the essential factors within the companies’ competitiveness strategies is tax planning. The perfect fiscal management achieves cost reduction, causing positive impacts on the financial and economic situation of the company. It is known that taxation (taxes, fees and contributions) is one of the main items in the final price of any product. The survival of the business requires the entrepreneur to know the taxes on his activity, seeking safe and legal solutions to reduce the tax burden, and ensure the correct compliance with tax obligations, avoiding fines and tax contingencies. Aspects as the form of constitution of the enterprise, use of resources of third parties (loans, financings, etc.), also composes an adequate planning.

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